
One of the highest aims of education is to cultivate and sustain the intrinsic motivation to learn.

Active learning is defined broadly as “instructional activities involving students in doing things and thinking about what they are doing” Approaches that promote active learning focus more on developing students’ skills than on transmitting information and require that students do something—read, discuss, write—that requires higher-order thinking.   They also tend to place some emphasis on students’ explorations of their own attitudes and Cynthia J. Brame, PhD, CFT Assistant Director

All of Gantry One courses are designed to maximize learning application.  If people don’t leave our course and start doing something different at work, we have not returned on the investment made in us. Therefore, our courses are designed to give participants opportunities to interact in new ways, with new areas of focus in order to support self-discovery. Through this self-discovery, participants gain awareness of themselves and their internal motivations, developing confidence and enthusiasm for trying new ways of showing up and engaging with others.  

The right environment is critical to creating opportunities for self-discovery.  To truly learn, develop and grow we must go beyond what we already know.  We have to go outside of our comfort zone.  This requires an environment that is safe, supportive and free of negative consequences for mistakes.  Like the pretend play corner of a children’s pre-school, we create an environment where adults are encouraged to try on new costumes, characters and performances, play together in new ways and experience the comedies and dramas of their work lives with a sense of joy, humor and discovery.  When these conditions and experiences are co-created with our participants, they contribute, share, and awaken true insights into their own innate abilities and talents and together develop a shared accountability to make impactful change for themselves and their organizations. 


Whether it's 3 or 300, we are ready to support the development of your people into a thriving 21st Century workforce.